Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing Training Course

Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing Training Course

Breathing is more than a reflex; it’s a tool for empowerment. This course explores breathing techniques that can significantly enhance your energy and focus. Incorporate these practices into your daily routine to improve personal effectiveness and nurture your overall wellbeing.

Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing Training Course
  • Breathing

    Most of us take breathing for granted, and we don't give it much thought. But when it comes to being energised and controlling that energised state, breathing is one of our most powerful resources. In fact, about 90% of our energy is supported by oxygen in the air we breathe. It oxidises our food...

  • Diet

    At the most basic level, physical energy comes from the interaction between Oxygen and Glucose. Our glucose levels at any given time depend on what we last ate, when we ate it, and what our levels of physical exertion currently are. But it's not just about the quantity, but the quality of the foo...

  • Exercise

    In most jobs, our bodies have been completely cut out of the equation of performance. We spend most of the time sitting down, sometimes not leaving the office until the end of the working day. When leaders and managers don't appreciate the importance of exercise and movement in the day, they over...

  • Hydration

    Recent research estimates that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated most of the time. That's pretty shocking when you consider the effect dehydration has on your body, mind and energy.

  • Interval Resting

    Marathon runners know that to run faster, you need to run slower. What that means is that if you start runs more slowly and use your energy efficiently, you'll have more energy when you need it towards the end. By running slower at times, your overall runs become faster. The same applies at work....

  • Introduction To Physical Energy

    Physical energy is the most fundamental source of all our energy. It's the root of our alertness and vitality. It allows us to think creatively, to manage emotions, to perform even basic tasks. The importance of physical energy is often overlooked by leaders and managers in business who expect th...

  • Morning Routine

    How you start your day has a profound influence on how productive you're going to be. Most of us start off in an entirely reactive way. We feel groggy, we hit snooze, we slope out of bed and tell ourselves we just need some sugar or caffeine. We leave the house grumpy, rushed, distracted and unfo...

  • Sleep

    Everyone knows that sleep is important, but how much do you actually need? And what impact does getting too little have on your performance, productivity and engagement? This video explores...

  • Empathy - Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing

    People often get stuck in their own agendas at work. Some pride themselves on being headstrong and focused in order to get stuff done. The downside is that while they're doing it, others can end up feeling undervalued, demeaned and unheard. Empathy doesn't come naturally to all of us but is like ...

  • Introduction To Emotional Energy

    Do you know someone who'll find a reason to get upset, regardless of what happens to them? Conversely, do you know people find a positive to focus on and be happy, regardless of what they experience or feel? How we manage our emotions has a profound impact on how fulfilled and happy we are. Posit...

  • Listening Skills

    Communication skills are vitally important and influence every part of your life. Of all those communication skills, listening is the most important.

  • Negative Emotions

    Negative emotions can be useful: they help us evaluate our experience. But From an energy perspective, negative emotions are exhausting. Carrying negative emotions around with us is like going for a long hike wearing a heavy backpack. Your energy will run out far more quickly than it would if you...

  • Positive Energy Rituals

    Too few of our clients allow themselves the time to simply enjoy things for their own sake. How often in your daily life do you experience joy or deep satisfaction? How many hours a week do you set aside for the pleasurable activities and the recovery they provide? When was the last time you comp...

  • Relationships

    Managing emotional energy can seem trickier and more complex than managing physical energy. Healthy friendships can be an excellent source of positive energy and renewal.

  • Self Confidence

    Many of our coaching clients want to feel more confident. Whether it's the senior leader with imposter syndrome or the successful person with doubts about their abilities, we've all felt it at some point. Lacking confidence is like an all-pervading illness, and many of us hope for something like ...

  • Self Control

    We place far too much value on discipline and willpower. We think that exercising self- control, trying harder or being more focused will somehow help us achieve what we want. But there's a major flaw in that thinking. We use up our energy reserves for self-control very quickly. The less we need ...

  • Creativity

    Our brains use up a great deal of energy. Though it comprises only 2% of our body's mass the brain uses up an astonishing 25% of its oxygen. The more time we spend in sustained conscious thought without taking a break, the more susceptible we'll be to lapses in judgment. In business, we tend to e...

  • Effective Time Management

    Managing our energy, not our time, is the key to high performance. Time management is not a goal in itself. Instead, it serves the pursuit of effective energy management.

  • Introduction To Mental Energy

    If there's one thing we all notice at the end of a long day at the office, it's how we can struggle to hold a thought in our heads or function efficiently. This is normally due to mental fatigue.

  • Mental Preparation

    Some say that the factors determining our success in life are 80% psychological and only 20% physical. How you think about something will have an enormous influence over whether you actually achieve it.

  • Optimism

    What's it like to work with optimists? Some of you watching this will say, 'It's great.' Some of you will roll your eyes and say, it can be a struggle. Both answers are correct, but for different reasons.

  • Positive Self-Talk - Personal Effectiveness & Well-being

    What is self-talk? It's that voice that chats to you inside your head. And it's probably telling you right now that you don't have a voice that chats inside your head. That's what we call self-talk.

  • Visualisation - Personal Effectiveness & Well-being

    Visualisation is a powerful tool. It can help us create absolute certainty about an outcome. The confidence and empowerment we get from positive visualisation helps to invigorate our mental energy.

  • Honesty

    If integrity is about reliability and doing what you say you'll do, then honesty is about telling the truth, to others and to ourselves.

  • Integrity - Personal Effectiveness & Well-being

    Our spiritual energy drives us at a profound level. It's what motivates us and what encourages us in our determination to succeed.

  • Introduction To Spiritual Energy

    We're not referring to specific religious beliefs here, which some, but not all of us may hold, but to something far more general and fundamental. Spiritual energy is about our connection to a deeply held set of values and to a purpose that transcends our own self-interest.

  • Passion - Personal Effectiveness & Well-being

    The most successful people tend to be those most passionate about their work and their lives as a whole. They're not necessarily the most talented; it's their passion that gives them the strength to succeed when others give up.

  • Purpose - Personal Effectiveness & Well-being

    We all face extraordinary demands on our time and our energy. Few of us are content to be ordinary, in our work, our marriages, as parents, as children, or within our communities. That's why we need deeply held values, to drive our purpose.

  • Values - Personal Effectiveness & Well-being

    If we live in alignment with our most deeply held values, then we're fuelling our growth and development. But too often, the decisions we make are barely decisions at all. They're emotional reactions to what we're experiencing, and often serve to fill some momentary emotional deficit.

  • Actions - Personal Effectiveness & Well-being

    You've watched the videos. Now here are some action points, based on the four energies we've explored in the course: Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

  • Personal Effectiveness & Wellbeing: Course Notes

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