Conflict Resolution Training Course

Conflict Resolution Training Course

Effective conflict resolution is rooted in a deep understanding of its origins. This course provides insights into the cultural dimensions of conflict and equips you with strategies to navigate and resolve disputes constructively. Enhance your ability to foster harmony and collaboration in a diverse workplace.

Conflict Resolution Training Course
  • Culture - Part 1

    The first step to overcoming a conflict is to truly understand all of its root causes. In this video, we'll start looking at cultural differences. In today's ever-expanding global business world, conflicts connected with cultural difference are on the increase. From culture to culture, accepted b...

  • Culture - Part 2

    How would you feel if your boss called you into his or her office and said, 'Listen, we need to talk about your persistent lateness? Your colleagues are annoyed, we're missing deadlines, and it makes the firm look bad.' Of course, it depends on where you're from...

  • Personality Styles - Part 1

    Everybody's different, aren't they? Well, yes and no. It's helpful, especially when you're trying to avoid workplace conflict, to think about different types of personality.

  • Personality Styles - Part 2

    Unlike drivers and analytical's, amiable's and expressive's prefer to display emotions openly and focus on relationships over logic at work.

  • Unconscious Bias - Part 1

    Conflict can also stem from our unconscious biases. In the next two videos, we'll examine four typical biases that can create and or exacerbate conflicts, and discuss how to combat them.

  • Unconscious BIas - Part 2

    This video looks at a workplace conflict caused by unconscious bias.

  • Values, Opinions & Beliefs - Part 1

    Now we're going to examine the role that cultural differences in values, opinions and beliefs have in causing conflicts. Universally accepted, but unequally prioritised values can create strong conflicts between and among individuals and groups.

  • Values, Opinions & Beliefs - Part 2

    Have you ever been in a meeting and wanted to comment or ask a question but hesitated to do so? Or, conversely, ever expressed a solution in a meeting that everyone seemed to agree with at the time, and then been annoyed when dissenting feedback started to trickle in afterwards?

  • Uncontrollable Factors

    The cyclical nature of business causes periodic swings from high profits and development to big losses, inevitable lay-offs and organisational change. It can make employees feel isolated and uncertain about their future, stressed and ripe for conflict. It's hard to stay positive when you're faced...

  • Breathe

    Recent studies have proven what yogis have known for 2,500 years. That slow breathing, 4-7 breaths per minute, can greatly reduce stress and inhibit fight or flight responses in your amygdala. Both are essential to maintaining your balance in a conflict.

  • Introduction To Meditation

    Recent University of Massachusetts research has proved how beneficial meditation can be. Meditation helps you increase grey matter concentration in the brain regions involved in self-awareness, empathy, emotional regulation, learning and memory, all these areas are essential for maintaining objec...

  • Guided Meditation

    In this video we take you on a guided meditation...

  • Question Your Thoughts

    Are you a slave to your thoughts? Or do you have the power to control them? Get used to challenging your thoughts. Are they objectively true? Are there some you could fruitfully discard? Doing so will help you maintain a more objective mindset. And that's critical to successfully resolving a conf...

  • Determine Your Resolution Approach

    Choosing the right style and approach for a difficult discussion will boost your chances of success. Think about your desired outcome and determine which of the following five styles would work best.

  • Prepare To Be Derailed

    Have you ever been surprised by the other party's counter argument when you're attempting to resolve a conflict? When caught out like this, your fight or flight mechanism reacts and your emotions take over.

  • Active Listening

    Active or empathic listening is another great way to build trust and show the other party that you're a partner working towards a common objective.

  • Build & Maintain Rapport

    It may sound simplistic, but the most effective way to keep both your own and the other party's emotions in check, is to maintain your relationship while you're resolving the conflict.

  • Conflict Resolution, Not Opponent Destruction

    The last two videos focus on a couple of final things for you to remember before attempting to resolve a conflict.

  • Identify The Needs

    In order to influence effectively, you must first identify, then understand each other's real needs. A solution will only work if it addresses those needs, rather than denying them.

  • Manage Your Body & Voice

    Use positive body language and remember the power of your voice. It will help improve your status and confidence, and it's incredibly helpful when resolving conflicts.

  • PAUSE Method

    We may react to a perceived attack by immediately defending ourselves, unfortunately, this reaction is highly unlikely to help resolve a conflict.

  • Stick To The Facts

    Sticking to the facts when resolving a conflict is vital to a successful outcome. It will help you use objective rather than subjective language. And it will stop you expressing opinions, emotions & feelings that might otherwise derail the conversation.

  • Using A Neutral Party

    If you're not sure you'll be able to maintain objectivity in the midst of a conflict resolution, using a neutral third party can help. A neutral party will provide an objective perspective, and will be able to focus the needs, desires, or concerns that underlay each sides position.

  • Using Positive Language

    What's the difference between saying 'You constantly undermine my authority in front of my team! I'de prefer it if you discussed these types of issues with me in private'. The first is an emotionally charged attack and the second is an assertive request that includes a potential solution.

  • Actions - Conflict Resolution

    In conclusion, this video has some last thoughts to round off this course. Always remember that conflict does have a positive side. It can promote collaboration, improve performance, foster creativity and innovation, and build deeper relationships...

  • Conflict Resolution: Course Notes

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