Unconscious BIas - Part 2
Conflict Resolution Training Course
2m 7s
This video looks at a workplace conflict caused by unconscious bias.
Up Next in Conflict Resolution Training Course
Values, Opinions & Beliefs - Part 1
Now we're going to examine the role that cultural differences in values, opinions and beliefs have in causing conflicts. Universally accepted, but unequally prioritised values can create strong conflicts between and among individuals and groups.
Values, Opinions & Beliefs - Part 2
Have you ever been in a meeting and wanted to comment or ask a question but hesitated to do so? Or, conversely, ever expressed a solution in a meeting that everyone seemed to agree with at the time, and then been annoyed when dissenting feedback started to trickle in afterwards?
Uncontrollable Factors
The cyclical nature of business causes periodic swings from high profits and development to big losses, inevitable lay-offs and organisational change. It can make employees feel isolated and uncertain about their future, stressed and ripe for conflict. It's hard to stay positive when you're faced...