Leading with Impact & Presence Training Course

Leading with Impact & Presence Training Course

True leadership presence goes beyond authority, it’s about understanding and responding to the values of those around you. This course will teach you how to decode the signals that shape leadership presence, allowing you to lead with greater impact. You’ll learn how to recognise and respond to the values and motivations of your team, ensuring your presence is felt and respected. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills to lead with confidence and authenticity, making a meaningful difference in your organisation.

Leading with Impact & Presence Training Course
  • Decoding Messages

    Decoding the values of others is easier than you think - if you learn to decipher the signs...

  • Encoding Messages Through Storytelling

    All of us will have had the experience of communicating brilliantly - but the key is to understand how we did it so that we can repeat it at will.

  • Introduction - Leading With Impact & Presence

    What happens when a leader communicates, and how people interpret what is being said, is a complex process, this course will help you get to grips with the Shannon-Weaver model of communication.

  • Defining Impact & Presence

    People will forget what you said and even what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

  • Values-Based Leadership

    A leader's values are a reflection of who they are, and, more importantly, who they want to be as a leader.

  • Declarative vs Narrative Language

    This video shows perfectly the difference between declarative and narrative language and how the latter can be used to have a lasting impact on your audience.

  • Giving One Thought Per Person

    Defining messages so an audience really connects with them is one of the keys to maintaining positive presence in any meeting or interaction.

  • Introduction - Leading With Impact & Presence #2

    Authentic presence is impossible to fake and is no accident.

  • Choose Your Story

    We've been telling stories for centuries, and don't have to go back far to understand the powerful effect storytelling has on our hearts and minds.

  • The Key To Leadership Presence

    Effective and congruent communication skills are the keys to authentic Leadership presence, here's a mini toolkit of tips to use and practice enhancing yours.

  • The Power Of Sensory Language

    Sensory language inspires listeners to consider concepts and consequences in a much more three-dimensional way. This is a simple skill to learn...

  • The Storytelling Format

    The difference between a compelling story and a formless anecdote very often lies less in the basic content. What should it be?

  • Building Rapport

    Robert Cialdini, a leading researcher in the study of Influence, states that we are more likely to be influenced by people that we like or have rapport with...

  • Introduction - Leading With Impact & Presence #3

    Even great leaders have to face pressures, awkward situations, and seemingly overwhelming challenges. Here we look at the key to effective and successful leadership...

  • Outcome Thinking - Leading With Impact & Presence

    Outcome thinking is what separates effective leaders from ineffective leaders...

  • The Decision To Act

    Here we outline two of the key influencing strategies that can be used to sell ideas that motivate people - social proof and the rule of commitment.

  • Putting It All Together

    In the delegation portion of this workshop, we promised to eventually drop in specific dates and times, so that you can clearly communicate the delegation event to your teams, now is that time.

  • Actions - Leading With Impact & Presence

    Thank of a leader who had a positive impact on your life, personally or professionally. How did they make you feel and what did they do to make such an impact?

  • Leading With Impact & Presence: Course Notes

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