Mastering Your Memory Training Course

Mastering Your Memory Training Course

Imagine having a memory that works like a well-oiled machine, effortlessly storing and retrieving information whenever you need it. This course is designed to help you achieve just that. We’ll explore cutting-edge techniques for enhancing your memory, focusing on the three pillars of memory improvement: acquisition, storage, and retrieval. Through practical exercises and proven strategies, you’ll learn how to remember names, dates, facts, and figures with ease. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone looking to sharpen your mind, this course will give you the tools to boost your memory and improve your overall cognitive performance.

Mastering Your Memory Training Course
  • Acquisition, Storage & Retrieval

    There are three phases to remembering: Acquisition, storage and retrieval, and we look at all three in this video.

  • Long Term Memory

    There are two main categories of memory: long-term and short-term. Here we start with long term memory.

  • Short Term Memory

    Now we come to short-term memory. It's fleeting in duration, yet it's absolutely critical to remembering anything.

  • Introduction to Mnemonics

    Brains are great at remembering certain things: bizarre images, strange stories, unique sounds. But they're terrible when it comes to memorising data, numbers or words without context. Mnemonics are used by memory champions to perform seemingly impossible feats like memorising pages from a phone ...

  • Non-mnemonic Tools

    Before we dive into the more advanced memory techniques, it's worth looking at some simpler ways of remembering things.

  • Remembering Names

    Do you forget names easily? Many people are honest enough to admit they do. Unfortunately, names are some of the most important things to remember if we want to build trust with our colleagues and clients. This video looks at the three steps to remembering names.

  • Lists In Sequence

    Another mnemonic tool is the use of association chains.

  • Lists Out Of Sequence

    In the previous video we looked at memorising lists using association chains. That technique is great for memorising a sequence, but it won't help you to remember which item lies in which position on the list...

  • Actions - Mastering Your Memory

    All the mnemonic tools outlined in this course can give a huge boost to your memory. But most of them will take a bit of work. Try and apply them whenever you can. For example, at a networking event, see if you can remember ten new names using the techniques we've suggested. Or the next time you ...

  • Mastering Your Memory: Course Notes

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