Emotional Intelligence Training Course

Emotional Intelligence Training Course

Emotional intelligence is the hallmark of top performers. This course will guide you through the process of managing your emotions effectively to excel in professional settings. You’ll learn how to recognise and regulate your emotions, understand others’ emotions, and use this awareness to build stronger relationships. By the end of this course, you’ll have the tools to enhance your emotional intelligence, making you a more effective and empathetic leader.

Emotional Intelligence Training Course
  • Introduction - What Is EI?

    Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack.

  • Introduction - What Is The EBW Model?

    The EBW model is a practical, work-based model of emotional intelligence that helps you to be better at it.

  • Introduction To Personality Styles

    Self-knowledge is a vital piece of the emotional intelligence puzzle. The more we know about ourselves, the more we can identify with others.

  • Personality Styles - Conclusion

    Did you identify yourself in one of the four personality styles? Did you recognise aspects of yourself in each one? How about your stakeholders?

  • The Amiable

    Amiables like to be measured by their relationships, rather than their accomplishments.

  • The Analytical

    The analytical is all about facts, figures and analysis. They seek data, and will often create methods and systems to categorise and organise.

  • The Driver

    Drivers are just that. They get things done, and they don't have time to waste on small talk on minutia.

  • The Expressive

    Expressives get really excited at the start of a project, but can suffer from a lack of follow-through when the initial excitement wears off.

  • Adaptability - Emotional Intelligence

    The person with the most adaptable behaviour in a difficult situation can influence the outcome more effectively than someone who finds it hard to adapt.

  • Circle Of Influence vs Concern

    This film looks at the opposite of your influencers which are your concerns, and what you can do about them.

  • Conscientiousness

    The ability to be more focused and present in the workplace leads us to make more emotionally intelligent decisions. But at work there are many distractions.

  • Decisiveness

    If you're decisive, it shows you're comfortable with, and eager to take on, responsibility. It shows we can trust your abilities because you do.

  • Empathy - Emotional Intelligence

    The ability to empathise with the people we work for and with helps drive powerful connections at work.

  • Influencing

    If you have a specific outcome in mind, it will help to define what you can actually influence and what you can't.

  • Motivation - Emotional Intelligence

    Here we look at the three essential intrinsic motivators in the business setting.

  • Self Awareness - Emotional Intelligence

    In virtually every great entrepreneur, manager, and leader there's one quality that trumps all, that quality is self-awareness.

  • Stress Resilience - Emotional Control

    The ability to manage workplace pressure and the emotions that go along with it is really quite logical and simple.

  • Stress Resilience - Emotional Control Triggers

    Knowing how to define your emotional triggers can help you resist stress, and give you more emotional control.

  • The 8 Behaviours Introduction

    Here's an introduction to the EBW model. We'll be defining the 8 behaviors and giving tips about each of them in the videos to come.

  • Audience Profile - Emotional Intelligence

    Being able to flip the lens and understand your audience is key to showing emotional intelligence and empathy. Here's how...

  • Examine Your Stakeholders Introduction

    We've spent time examining your own emotional intelligence. Now it's time to apply that same awareness to your stakeholders.

  • Relationships

    Managing emotional energy can seem trickier and more complex than managing physical energy. Healthy friendships can be an excellent source of positive energy and renewal.

  • Reaction & Choice

    The more you understand your emotions, the more conscious you can be of the choices you make when it comes to those emotions.

  • Actions - Emotional Intelligence

    Phil Daniels a professor of psychology at Brigham Young University is credited with devising a process called start-stop-keep that asks some valuable questions.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Course Notes

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