Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 Training Course
The way you use your voice can make or break your presentation. This course focuses on enhancing your delivery through effective vocal techniques. You’ll learn how tone, pitch, and vocal range can significantly impact audience engagement. By mastering these techniques, you’ll ensure your message resonates and keeps your audience captivated. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to deliver presentations with confidence and impact.
Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #7
When presenting, there are many distractions that can affect your level of focus. However, the audience needs you to be fully focussed.
Eliminating Space Fillers
Space fillers can be difficult to remove from language and even harder to do during a live presentation. Jennifer explains a better way...
Eliminating Space Fillers II
Do you, kind of some problems eliminating space-filler language? Here Paul provides an excellent exercise, to eliminate it from what you say...
Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #8
Verbal economy is all about maximising the clarity of your message...
Control Your Nerves
Sara explains how to overcome that initial rush of nerves...
How To Practice
The most powerful tool to communicating effectively is practising OUT LOUD. This has numerous benefits, as Henry explains...
Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #9
We've all heard the saying 'practice makes perfect', well its true. Since how you look and sound has a profound effect on the audience, a lack of practice can be obvious...
The Practice Toolkit
How to keep practising the essential skills you have been learning about? Sara suggests ways in which this can be done in your everyday life...
Dealing With Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. Here's great advice from Henry about what to do should one occur during your presentation...
How To Begin Your Presentation
The beginning of a presentation is vitally important, not least because that's when the audience tends to be most judgmental...
Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #10
More hints, tips and exercises to help develop your presentation skills...
Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #11
This section will be useful if English is your second language.
The Second Language Presenter
The audience will know within 3 seconds if English is your second language, and that is good. In this video, Henry explains some tools to help you with your clarity, impact and the way people understand you...
A Big Beetle
'A big beetle bit a body in a big black bag.'
Amidst The Mists
Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with the stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fists against the posts. And still insists he sees the ghosts.
Any Noise Annoys
Any noise annoys an oysterBut a noisy noise annoys an oyster most.
Around The Rugged Rocks
Around the rugged rocks ruthless Robert ran.
Baby Buggy
Baby buggy bumpers.
Betty Botter
Betty Botter bought some butter but she said this butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, that will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter better than the bitter butter, that will make my batter better.
Flee From Fog
Flee from fog to fight flu fast.
He Threw Three
He threw three free throws.
How Much Ground
How much ground could the groundhog grind if the groundhog could grind ground.
How Much Wood?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
I'm A Critical
'I'm a critical cricket critic!'