Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 Training Course

Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 Training Course

The way you use your voice can make or break your presentation. This course focuses on enhancing your delivery through effective vocal techniques. You’ll learn how tone, pitch, and vocal range can significantly impact audience engagement. By mastering these techniques, you’ll ensure your message resonates and keeps your audience captivated. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to deliver presentations with confidence and impact.

Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 Training Course
  • Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #1

    Tone is an expression of your mood. Also, interesting people tend to use a larger vocal range...

  • Smiling Really Does Help

    Smiling will help to engage your audience and however you smile, it will improve your tone..

  • Energy Equals Intention

    Speech energy is all about intention and that's important because it conveys faith in your material...

  • Finding Your Right Level Of Energy

    Paul shows you a simple exercise that shows how to increase your energy in a really natural way...

  • Increasing Your Level Of Energy

    This video contains a simple, physical exercise that will increase your energy levels while presenting...

  • Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #2

    Energy is the fuel of a presentation, the life-blood that keeps it going. That's why energy and enthusiasm are so important...

  • The Mirror Principle

    When presenting, we get back from an audience what we give them. Too little, and the audience will tune out; too much, and they will feel overloaded...

  • Creating Meaning

    Emphasis is a great way to create meaning when you're talking and this video provides a simple exercise to help with that...

  • Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #3

    Skilled presenters know how to make their audience remember key information. This video is about defining the message so the audience understands it...

  • Three Emphasis Exercises

    Emphasis is vital for helping an audience to connect with your message. It's about knowing what the key words are and making sure they really resonate when you speak...

  • Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #4

    Getting the pace right in a presentation has a powerful effect on you and the audience. This module shows you various ways of achieving the correct pace while presenting.

  • Read & Record

    Pace is all about the presenter's perception of the audience, and it's always worth remembering that the audience may be a lot less familiar with the subject than the presenter...

  • Read & Record II

    Paul explains an exercise that can be used to slow you down when you're speaking...

  • The Power Of The Pause

    Presenters need to know that it's vital to speak at a manageable pace. Here's a tip called the 'power of the pause'...

  • The Power Of The Pause II

    Jennifer explains how pausing is a way for the audience to gently consider the message you're trying to send...

  • Achieving Clarity

    Paul demonstrates a couple of quick exercises that show how to practice a presentation in ways that will help to improve articulation...

  • Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #5

    Articulation is a physical act that requires physical practice...

  • Listen To Yourself

    Jennifer demonstrates how practising with a recording device, combined with a tongue twister, can help your articulation...

  • The Facial Warm Up

    All you need for this exercise is an imaginary sticky toffee. Watch Julia to find out how this exercise can help prepare you to deliver a presentation...

  • The Pen Exercise

    Tom will show you how making use of a pen in this exercise, can help improve your articulation...

  • Doing It Right

    No matter the size of the room, projection is about having a conversation and talking TO people, rather than AT them...

  • Introduction - Foundation Presentation Skills - Part 2 #6

    Projecting the voice is not about shouting or just raising your voice and both are uncomfortable on the ear. But you do need to learn to project your voice so it resonates...

  • The Humming Exercise

    Projection is not just about volume but energy and resonance and here, Jennifer explains how humming will help to improve yours...

  • Connecting

    Focus is a great way to connect with people and Paul shows how really looking at them makes all the difference...