Effective Business Writing

Effective Business Writing

There are all kinds of different writing styles, but business writing is about getting your message across in a clear, focused and engaging way.

Effective Business Writing
  • Buried Verbs

    An explanation of the buried verb and why we shouldn't complicate our writing by using them.

  • Clear Language

    Einstein said 'If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself.' A helpful reminder why we need to keep things simple and plain.

  • Concise Language Using Fewer Words

    This film looks at some of the bad habits prevalent in business writing and explains why 'less is often more'.

  • Effective Headings

    Headings are the signposts within your writing that tell the reader where to find the information they need.

  • Effective Paragraphs

    A paragraph is essentially a block of thought. To make them effective you want to be sure of a few things.

  • Effective Sentences

    An effective sentence needs to be short and well constructed.

  • Effective Subject Lines

    It doesn't matter how well-written or beautifully organised your message is, if nobody bothers to open it.

  • Human Tone

    Research shows that business readers prefer writing that sounds personable and human.

  • White Space

    The white space around your writing represents the room you give your reader to breathe and to consider your ideas.

  • Email Etiquette

    Using 'reply all' isn't the only bad habit when it comes to email. This video investigates how to behave with email.

  • Proofreading Introduction

    There's usually no way to recall an email with an embarrassing error in it. This video looks at the importance of checking before sending.

  • What To Look For

    Your spellchecker will miss a surprising amount of mistakes., this video highlights what to look out for.

  • Actions - Effective Business Writing

    We've talked about a lot of tools to get your message across crisply and cleanly and to help you to connect with your audience in a more human way. Now it's time for you to practise.