Delegating & Time Management Training Course

Delegating & Time Management Training Course

In Jeanne Baer‚ 'You Can Do It All: Effective delegation for Supervisors', Delegation is defined as: Assigning a whole unit of work (a task from start to finish) to an employee who is capable of doing it.

Delegating & Time Management Training Course
  • Defining Delegation

    In Jeanne Baer's 'You Can't Do It All: Effective Delegation for Supervisors', Delegation is defined as: 'Assigning a whole unit of work (a task from start to finish) to an employee who is capable of doing it.'

  • What Are The Pros & Cons?

    So you've defined your goals for this workshop. You've also defined Delegation and its relevance to you and your workplace. Specifically, what are the upsides for the delegator? For the employee? The team? Region and/or company? And what are the cons, or the downsides, using the same process.

  • Your Delegation Event

    In the Working Voices digital influencing skills course, we use Jack Canfield's E+R=O framework to help focus more clearly on a given event, the ways that we react to those events, and the outcomes we hope to achieve by taking those actions. Here we apply it to our delegation event.

  • Check-In

    Before we move on to time management, this video checks in: How's it going, so far? What's clear? What's unclear?

  • Checklist

    Here's a checklist to use to prepare you for executing a difficult conversation effectively.

  • Choosing The Right People

    A good plan means little if it's not also well executed, and people play the most critical role in delegation.

  • Communicating Your Delegation Plans - Part 1

    With most on-the-job projects, there are two aspects that need to be considered: The what and the how. The what is the task itself including the planning, meetings, goal setting, all of it, the how is the ways in which you communicate and execute your plans.

  • Communicating Your Delegation Plans - Part 2

    In 'You Can't Do It All: Effective Delegation for Supervisors', Jeanne Baer reminds us that when a manager or supervisor delegates well, he or she also does the following: Discusses the task in advance with the employee to be sure the task fits into the employee's current schedule.

  • The SMART Framework - Part 1

    We need to be organised and clear when communicating delegation plans. That clarity and organisation will make it easier for the employee to absorb and act upon our information. It will also help us zoom-in on what's essential.

  • The SMART Framework - Part 2

    We've defined S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Now, let's use them.

  • The SMART Framework - Part 3

    You've crafted a S.M.A.R.T. Goal for your team's overall delegation event. Now let's practice on specific individuals.

  • The SMART Framework - Part 4

    We've organised your message using S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Now let's focus on delivering that plan.

  • The Will-Skill Matrix

    As previously mentioned, some elements, including personnel, may be out of your control, but the ways in which you deploy and cultivate that talent is very much within your circle of Influence, this video introduces you to a useful tool called the 'Will-Skill Matrix'.

  • Check-In & Review

    Now that you've created a more detailed timeline for your delegation event, let's zoom out for a moment and look at the big picture. What is the exact start date for your event? What's the end date? Where's the precise mid-point?

  • Cognitive Empathy

    Effective time management is effective people management. The more insight we have into our teams, the better equipped we'll be to guide and deploy their talents. When considering the human side of time management, let's think about utilising cognitive empathy.

  • Debrief

    This marks the end of our time management module and this video recaps on everything we've considered.

  • Don't Forget About You

    If all of our time management work is sounding like a lot, you're right. That's why we also want to make sure that you're managing YOUR time as effectively as possible. For starters, create time in your schedule to reflect on your delegation event.

  • Employee Assessment

    Utilising cognitive empathy, as discussed in our previous video, helps us to better understand our teams, business partners, and colleagues. It gives us insight into how they best work and process information. With that in mind, let's apply your self-assessment questions to employees and teams.

  • Establish & Maintain Time Controls

    Now that we have a clearer idea of employee strengths and challenges, let's dust off our calendars or diaries and start scheduling.

  • Putting It All Together

    In the delegation portion of this workshop, we promised to eventually drop in specific dates and times, so that you can clearly communicate the delegation event to your teams, now is that time.

  • Self Assessment

    In this module, we're not only talking about how to best deploy the talents of your employees in the time given, we're also focusing on you and your personal management of time.

  • Actions - Delegating & Time Management

    This is the final video of our Delegation & Time Management workshop. Congratulations on completion! In our first video, you wrote down your goals for this course. What were they? Did you achieve them?